With the passing of the years drinking is more and more important for our skin. Indeed our skin is characterized for the presence of the so-called hyaluronic acid, a substance with a complex name, but with an easy and fundamental function: to store water in the skin so that it can appear fresh and elastic.
But, with the passing of the time, this substance produced by our body gradually diminishes starting from the age of 20, therefore to hydrate regularly becomes a must also for our cutaneous well being. The experts advise at least 2 liters per day for a correct diuresis. To satisfy this need and win the challenge against ageing of the skin it is necessary to choose a water easy to digest and “easy to drink“ just like Lauretana! Synonym of lightness and purity, Lauretana is the lightest water in Europe, thanks to its fixed residue of only 14.4 mg/l. Besides purifying our body thanks to its detox function, favoring a high diuresis, eliminating the residues of metabolism, preventing the formation of kidney stones, Lauretana water has another important quality: it maintains hydrated the tissues of the body, for a fresh, young and elastic skin... As our advertising campaign says, women who choose Lauretana water do not have any doubts: they are their best friends!